Los Angeles Vision Institute

What happens during Lasik Eye Surgery?

Jan 12, 2023 @ 09:32 AM — by Macy Eye Center
Tagged with: Lasik Eye Surgery During Lasik Eye Surgery What Happens During Lasik Eye Surgey What To Do In Lasik Eye Surgery

What to expect during LASIK.

The laser eye surgery is done at the outpatient Specialty Surgery Center located at 9001 Wilshire Blvd in Beverly Hills. Dr Macy or Dr Knezevic use a laser to reshape your cornea.

Here is what to expect:

First, your eye will be numbed with eye drops.

Next, your eye surgeon will place an eyelid holder on your eye to keep you from blinking. A small suction ring is placed on your eye to keep it from moving. You will feel pressure like a finger pressing firmly on your eyelid.

At this point, your vision will become cloudy as a laser makes a paper-thin flap in the cornea tissue. Then your surgeon lifts and folds the flap back.

You will be asked to focus at a target light. The surgeon then reshapes your cornea using a laser. The laser is a special instrument that has been pre-programmed with measurements for your eye.

While your ophthalmologist is using the laser, you will hear a clicking sound. After reshaping the cornea, your eye surgeon folds the flap back down into position and smoothes the edges. The flap attaches on its own where it will heal in place. The whole process takes about 15 minutes for both eyes.